God puts us through trials to learn to be comfortable in discomfort while the Devil comforts us so that we can avoid experiencing pain.
God helps us become the strongest version of ourselves so that we can make the world a better place, while the Devil makes us weak so that he can manipulate us at his will.
God saves us and frees us from pain, but only after we have experienced it, while the Devil provides us with a false sense of security making us throw away our destiny in exchange for *Sensual Pleasures!*
I was once weak and fell easily into the Devil's traps, but now no more. I was addicted to so many things at one point living for quick pleasures in life however I found Jesus and he transformed me into the man of God I am today.
I am called preach and teach God's ancient Combat techniques to as many as would accept Jesus and repent of their ways! Turning them into warriors for God and *Soldiers Of Christ.*

If you need help becoming a true warrior of God then visit the PME Blog via our Websites daily for motivation and support in your Christian Journey.
To some people Life is like a Credit Card, Enjoy today pay back later!
Some people say "life is too short let's enjoy it". How about "Eternity is too long let's prepare for it?"