When a person is *Oppressed* by demons, they will hear demonic thoughts in their minds, which sound like their own thoughts a lot of times each day.
Some of the thoughts a person has from the demons will be true because otherwise you will not believe them, but they will always twist something to get you to believe a lie inother to ultimately hurt you.
The demon's goal is to cause people to believe what they say, which causes the victims to struggle with fear, anxiety, anger, regret, revenge, etc Believing that godly people are bad and not to be trusted while ungodly people are good and to be trusted.
The demons want Christians to justify allowing sin to be common in their lives so that they will stay walking in their flesh instead of changing and walking in the spirit.
The demons ultimately want to take the person to hell by causing them to disobey the Bible and Jesus.
*THE LORD WANTS US TO GET THE HOLY SPIRIT* so that we can get help and guidance and tell us the truth and then convict us to get delivered from sin.
The Holy Spirit helps us to remove the legal rights that these demons have to torment us by telling us that "we must forgive all who hurt us" from our hearts. Read *Matthew 18: 21-35* to repent from our pride and sin and help us walk in the fruits of the Spirit.

All Christians are oppressed by demons when they make a commitment to become Christians and even thereafter.
As we *Listen to and Obey* the Holy Spirit more than our demons we should eventually be convicted by the truth to learn how to forgive all, repent, *and command demons out of our souls* (mind, will and emotions). And then take every negative thought captive *2 Corinthians 10:3-6*
Of course, we have free will. We can choose to obey the Holy Spirit or reject the truth. If we Obey, we will eventually be delivered from all the demons giving us negative thoughts.
People who are *POSSESSED* have rejected the Lord and the Holy Spirit over and over again and have finally been given over to their demons.
They are controlled completely by their demons and serve and obey the demons.