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Tradition Biblical Values | Season 1, Episode 27 Of -An Experience With Jesus
While the world is falling apart due to *manipulation, lies, and media, be the person that brings back the *Tradition Biblical Values*

The person who walks according to the *Will and Word of God* will pray prayers that are aligned with his will and God is *NOT GOING TO SAY NO TO HIS OWN WILL.*

Inotherwords, when you pray what the Holy Spirit desires, when you pray what the Holy Spirit wants, when you pray what the Holy Spirit has planned, then and only then are you guaranteed that *YOUR PRAYERS WILL BE ANSWERED.*
No Exceptions!

That's a promise from Jesus (John 15:7). So the key is NOT in convincing God to do what we want him to do, *THE KEY IS IN PRAYING THE WILL OF GOD.*

Not in trying to change the direction of the river, which is God's will, but rather in jumping in the river and saying ,"Take me where you want me to go!"*

While the world is falling apart due to *manipulation, lies, and media, be the person that brings back the *Tradition Biblical Values*

It's time that we know the word like never before! *And I mean be established on the foundations of the word truly, deeply, sincerely.*

Think about all that's coming against us in the culture today, in the nations.

There are all these different ideas and philosophies, and it seems like there's alot of confusion, and a lot of people are walking on sinking sand.

They have no firm foundation by which they can gain their bearings so its time to *know* the word of God like never before, its time to *read* it like never before, its time to *memorise* the word of God like never before and *declare* it like never before.


An Experience With Jesus

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