Many of us struggle with being content in our daily lives. We live in a culture that celebrates greed and laughs at contentment. But the Bible calls us to be content with what the Lord provides.
The Bible shows that Jesus hates greed, even going so far as to say it is more likely for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24). *Gambling is a form of Greed!*
What is the secret to being content though?
Sometimes when we read Philippians 4:13 alone it sounds as though Paul is saying we Christians are stronger because we are drawing on God’s strength when we do things. While we do draw on God’s strength, that isn’t the meaning of what Paul is saying.
Paul is saying that the reason he is content in whatever situation he is in is that he knows the Lord will provide for him no matter what. Paul knows God has not forgotten him in prison
*What does that mean for us though?* Just like Paul, we know that the Lord loves and cares for us. Throughout our lives, we can take comfort in knowing that God will care for us, just as he feeds the birds and clothes the lilies in the field. (Matthew 6:26-34)
Be content in what the Lord provides you with because you know that He will provide.
*Tithes, Offering & Obedience which is most important?* Watch my 2nd Testimony video via PME TV and let us know your thoughts.
*PME TV:* Creating an Environment to talk about *Growth, Feelings, Health & Happiness* in Jesus Christ 🙏
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