This is what the Holy Spirit does *In, Through and For YOU.*
1. The Holy Spirit helps us to Pray. Zechariah 12:10
2. The Holy Spirit teaches us the Word. John 14:26
3. The Holy Spirit helps to make us HOLY. Galatians 5:16
4. The Holy Spirit helps us to Worship. John 4:24
5. The Holy Spirit convinces us of our SONSHIP. Romans 8:15
6. The Holy Spirit performs the Miraculous through us. Galatians 3:5
7. The Holy Spirit gives us FAITH. 2 Corinthians 4:13
8. The Holy Spirit gives us BOLDNESS. 2 Timothy 1:7
You can receive the Holy Spirit by Repentance and Becoming Born Again. *THERE IS NO OTHER WAY.* Church attendance or Tithes and Offerings *CANNOT SAVE YOU!*
You have to CONFESS and repent of your sins, accept that Jesus has already paid on the cross in full and receive new life in Christ.
The Holy Spirit will not force you. He will suggest to you. *WE ALL HAVE FREEWILL* So you can choose to obey when he suggests.

The Devil lures you with Temptations That grieve the Holy Spirit and pollutes your mind and body. These insidious attacks are meant to alter the plan of God for your life.
They unfold through every form of Sexual Immorality, Perverted Websites, Polygamy, Drugs, Music etc (Earthly Traditions).
Anything that promotes this lifestyle aims to destroy your Spiritual Sensitivity and Purity twisting your perception of what is right or wrong.
For motivation and support in your Christian journey, please visit the PME Blog daily via our Websites.
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