Most people think *Salvation* is the *Finish Line,* but Salvation is actually the *Beginning* .
Salvation will not cure your Addiction but *Sanctification* will!
Salvation is a Free gift we don't deserve. Sanctification is the work that is done in us to kill our old self and renew our minds to become a new creation and get us to where God wants us to be.
Don't let your darkness stop you from getting to Jesus because Jesus is *NOT SCARED OF YOUR DARKNESS*

Jesus meets us at a place where Religion *CANNOT* meet us! Jesus *Didn't* die to give us a *Religion* ! A Religion is what we made out of his death. He died to restore our *Relationship* with *God* !
In the *Currency* of Love time is the most valuable *Coin* !
The more time you invest in those you Cherish the Wealthier your Heart becomes.
If you love Jesus, then spend more time with him. Build a *Relationship With Jesus.* In Prayer, In Praise & Worship, In Studying The Bible and In Obedience to the Jesus Way!
Some people think "There is no such thing as God otherwise Bad things wouldn't happen to Good people" ...
God says "Its NOT that I don't exist but that person *NEVER CAME TO SEE ME WITH HIS STRUGGLES AND PROBLEMS* ." Run to God. He is waiting with open arms to guide you.
When you feel God is far away from you remember he is *NOT* the one that moved away. *YOU DID* ! He is faithful and awaits your return regardless of your past.
An Experience With Jesus
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