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Practically, Firstfruits is the resurrection of the newlife from the old sinful nature. *THIS IS THE NEW LIFE THAT YOU LIVE ONCE YOU HAVE BECOME BORN AGAIN*

STOP trying to do it in your own strength. *The strength of the believer is the presence of the Holy Spirit.* There is no need to fear, no need to hurry, no need to worry, or strive.

The Holy Spirit can accomplish more in a moment than human effort could ever accomplish in 100 years!


Yield to the gentle leading of the precious *Holy Spirit. REST IN HIS POWER, REST IN HIS ABILITIES*

When you live in his ability, your strength will never wane. Your passion will never diminish.

You can know Spiritual Vitality all the days of your life if YOU'LL ONLY REST IN HIM.

PRESSURE breeds HURRY and HARSHNESS. Relax! Trust in Jesus. He's never lost a battle, and he fights for YOU. *USE YOUR FAITH IN CHRIST*

While power alone doesn't prove you have the Holy Spirit, those who walk in the spirit will see power flow through them.


Jesus is our Firstfruit.
*1 Corinthians 15:20* says, "But Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep".

We are the "next fruits". Which will grow from the earth and meet him in the clouds during the second coming.

The Power of the Holy Spirit upon your life is the blessing of firstfruits.

Practically, Firstfruits is the resurrection of the newlife from the old sinful nature. *THIS IS THE NEW LIFE THAT YOU LIVE ONCE YOU HAVE BECOME BORN AGAIN*

It is the first character of Christ that germinates from you once you have crucified the flesh.

Let's grow into that *Righteousness*. As we grow into that Righteousness the power of sin in our life will *Diminish*


*Historically* - Agricultural  Products
*Prophetically* - Jesus resurrection.
*Practically* - Resurrection of the new life from the old sinful nature.

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