There are people that don't want you to follow Christ ON YOUR OWN. These may even be religious leaders, pastors, etc.
They are controlled by DEMONIC SPIRITS, Religious Spirits, the spirit of Jezebel, etc, and want to put you under bondage even though JESUS ALREADY DIED TO SET YOU FREE.
Initially, they are gonna try to do many things to help you to gain your trust. Afterwards, manipulations start. *JEZEBELS MAKE YOU FEEL THAT YOU CANNOT MAKE IT WITHOUT THEM.*
If they are church leaders, they will try to convince you that you're incapable of hearing God for yourself so that you rely on them for visions and revelations.
Over time, they will Condition you to be reliant on them and then pull you away gradually from sources of the truth and other healthy relationships while leading you astray.
*But if you truly repent and receive the Holy Spirit, he will teach you all things.* So build your own daily relationship with God through Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit.

When you have a personal relationship with God, he will show you your strengths and weaknesses. *GOD KNOWS HOW MANY HAIRS YOU HAVE ON YOUR HEAD YOUR PASTOR OR CHURCH LEADERS DON'T*
The Holy Spirit teaches the things that we did not even know that we are good at. *HE KNOWS US MORE THAN WE KNOW OURSELVES.* He is the manufacturer.
The only way you're going to figure out your hidden talent and multiple talents is by getting closer to God. *THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD START A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD BECOMING BORN AGAIN.*
God loves you❤️ Be led by HIS HOLY SPIRIT Show the fruits of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, etc. NOT THE FRUITS OF YOUR PASTOR OR CHURCH YOU ATTEND EVERY SUNDAY. Some so-called churches are actually *Christian Cults* leading you away from Jesus gradually.
When the *Grape* comes through the crushing it knows it *WILL NEVER BE THE SAME* again ... but
*It will be wine!*
The challenge of our lives is to turn the *Crushing* into *WINE* !
Don't live your life like a Credit Card, that is enjoy now and pay back later. It's better to suffer and stand for the truth and gain Eternal Life.

People be like .. " *Life* is *Short* better *Enjoy* it"! ...
How about " *Eternity* is too *Long* better *Prepare for it* ?"
Life at best is very brief
God's goal is *NOT* your *Comfort* !
... its your *Character*
Quick success builds your Ego ...
Slow success builds your Character
You can't have a *Testimony* without a *Test*
Jezebels don't want you to follow christ on your own because they enjoy the feeling of power and control. Making you submit to their leadership, which is not what God would want you to do.
*Submit to Jesus instead.* Visit the PME Blog daily via our Websites for motivation and support in your Christian Journey.
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