Thank You For the Birthday Wishes
… God Bless
Good things come to who Believe
Better things come to those who are Patient
… but The Best Things come to those who NEVER GIVE UP.
Have A Fabulous Day
The Will of God is revealed by the Holy Spirit and only those living in Christ Jesus can know it!
So if you are a Child of God then you will have the ability by the spirit to know God's will. God's will is found in Jesus Christ NOT outside of Jesus!
Those with a Worldly mind cannot know God's will. Only those with a renewed mind can know the will of God.

How Do We Renew Our Minds?
By studying his *Word* ! That is through the *Scriptures*
So do not be conformed to this world otherwise you will not know God's voice, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
Prayer is more than thinking about God. It is also setting aside the time to focus on him.
Establish a time and a place in which you will practice the ceremony of prayer in which you will devote everything that you are.
Put away the phone and other distractions of the flesh as well as inner distractions of questions and doubts and shame and you come to the lord and say " Lord, this is all about you right now. I am focused on you".
I just want your presence and nothing else. And you carve out that section of your day to implement the ceremony of prayer and you will find that you will sense deeper realms of Glory!
That you will work in greater measures of power. That the character and nature of christ will grow exponentially in YOU!
*Worry* is a conversation we have with ourselves about things we CANNOT change, while *Prayer* is a conversation we have with God about things he CAN change.
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