The *presence and surrendering* of the Holy Spirit produces the fruits of the Spirit, while demons produce the desires of the flesh in us.
From the moment we become born again, we receive the Holy Spirit. *HIS PRESENCE IN US BEGINS* The Holy Spirit attaches to our Spirit while the demons are "still" attached to our Soul.
Soul = Your Mind + Your Will + Your Emotions
*Surrender these 7 Areas of your life:*
1. What you say with your mouth.
2. Where you go with your legs.
3. What you do (actions).
4. What you see and listen to (eyes and ears).
5. What you think in your mind.
6. Surrender your will.
7. Surrender your Emotions (feelings).
Most of the problems in the world today are cursed by a lack of the fruits of the Holy Spirit (Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).
The more we restore that nature, the more we restore everything back to God's original plan for us.
*Read Galatians 5:* 19-23. *19* Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, *20* idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, *21* envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. *I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God*
Becoming Born Again gives us the Holy Spirit, and the more we obey and surrender to the Holy Spirit, the more HE produces the fruits in us.
However, if we don't have the Holy Spirit or disobey the Holy Spirit even after he has told us what to do, then we are obeying the demons attached to our soul. *WE ALL HAVE FREEWILL*
The Holy Spirit suggests to us. He doesn't force us. *We can choose to do right or wrong* But for every action, there's a consequence that is inevitable.
*What are the weeds in Matthew 13?*
The weeds represent those people who do not *listen to and obey* God's word. They are “sons of the evil one” who will go to the fiery furnace of hell at the end of time
Do you know how many problems exist in the world today because of *Greed* ?
Wars have started because of Greed, companies have folded up because of Greed, people are in pain or have died because of Greed, look at Nigeria.
The deficiency of Love is Hatred. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: "You shall love you neighbour as yourself." Galatians 5:14
Rape, adultery, and Fornication etc are a result of lack of self-control.
Church Attendance every Sunday will NOT give you the Holy Spirit. *How do you plan to get the Holy Spirit?*
The Bible *NEVER* said attending church every Sunday would reveal the kingdom of God. It says, "Except a man is Born Again he CANNOT see the kingdom of God."

*Be Consecrated, Be Sanctified, Be Pure, Be Holy.* Shine the light that's present in YOU. Shine Brightly In this dark and deceptive world.
We are to be careful that no man deceives us by pretending to come from God with a new revelation instead of the truth of God's word.
Watch your thoughts. They become Words …
Watch your words. They become Actions…
Watch your Actions, they become Habits …
Watch your habits, they become Character…
Watch your character. IT BECOMES YOUR DESTINY
Happy Positive Thinking 🤔
Celebrity In Christ (Season 2 of Abundance In Christ)
See website for details.
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