CIC03: Celebrity In Christ Episode 3.
TOPIC: Soldiers Of Christ.
The Earth is a *battlefield* NOT a place of rest for the children of God. When we became Born Again, we became enrolled in the Army of God. We became SOLDIERS OF CHRIST.
There was war in heaven and the devil was defeated an cast out with his agents. *HE HAS BROUGHT THE WAR TO EARTH, TO KILL, STEAL AND DESTROY.*
The war between heaven and hell is all about the souls of men. *REMEMBER: YOUR SOUL = YOUR MIND + YOUR WILL + YOUR EMOTIONS*
There is an unseen battle and hostility going on for the souls of those living on the earth.
And “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world”
Whenever a Christian living in sin dies, there is a celebration in the kingdom of Satan for every soul that is captured.

Ancestral family bondage or Generational Curses are the source of problems for a lot of our spiritual battles.
The head of the extended family may have bound the whole family in covenant with the devil in exchange for fame, fortune or power.
Family traditions and governance with the enemy are doors that shape the course of our lives. Open doors cause demons to make a claim on our lives.
Please also read our post on "CHRISTMAS AND OTHER DEMONIC FEASTS, CUSTOMS, PRACTICES, AND TRADITIONS" and ask yourself this, if Christmas is the Birth of Jesus then CAN YOU CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS WITHOUT JESUS CHRIST?
True Believers or followers of Jesus are to honour him by living a life of PURITY, Righteousness and Holiness, Fasting and Prayer, Praise and Worship, etc.
The kingdom of lucifer is all about Festivals, Carnivals, and Gatherings. *These celebrations are accompanied by sexual practices, orgies, drunkenness, gluttony, etc. in honour of the fallen angels.*
Participants of these FEASTS, traditions, etc carry the effects in one way or the other as they are gateways for demons to enter and control the lives of those celebrating it.
Valentine's Day may lead you to Fornication or adultery, for example, etc
We are NOT TO COMFORM TO THE PATTERN OF THIS WORLD but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Many children of God are claimed by evil forces because of family and ancestral covenants.
*The devil is real.* He has a global army and a global government. There is an annual calendar setup thousands of years ago for FEASTS and celebrations in the kingdom of lucifer, which are attended by the *elites and the powerful* of this earth, including politicians, celebrities, superstars, royal families etc.
Every single technology we have on the earth has originated from the world of Satan, including social network, the world wide web, Internet technology, satellite technology, and weapons technology.
Repent and be BORN AGAIN.