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Abundance In Christ Episodes 46-48 (Prayerful Preparation Prevents Poor Performance)
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Jesus *Didn't* die to give us a *Religion* ! He died to give us a *Love Relationship* with *God* !
Faith and Good Deeds
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" You are saved by Faith alone, but if faith is alone it is Not Faith"
Abundance In Christ Episodes 43-45 (Jesus Is The Answer)
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When you truly trust the process you become *What You Believe!*
Conviction vs Condemnation
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First and foremost you are a *Child of God* , and He doesn’t condemn His people, He convicts them.
Abundance In Christ Episodes 40-42 (In Jesus I Trust)
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Everything works together for your good 👍 Trust Jesus and say Thank You Lord 😊 🙏
What is the fruit of the Spirit?
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“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Abundance In Christ -Episodes 37-39 (Bless The Unchangeable God)
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Sometimes you have to forget *What You Feel ...* And Remember *What You Deserve* !
How do I live and grow stronger as a Christian?
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The Christian life is a growth, and we must not expect too great results at first, be consistent and persistent.
Battling The Cults: Approach God Directly
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For everything worthwhile, there exists a counterfeit.
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