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PME CEO reveals burglary at his home
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Different *goals* require Different *habits* TikTok @pmeafrica. Find us on Instagram and Twitter @ pme_africa. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Facebook pages.
Heineken launches virtual beer in self-mocking metaverse ‘joke’
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The launch of a virtual beer in a virtual world was an "ironic joke" said Heineken, And the beer was described as being brewed with "binary-coded hops grown by NPC (non-player character) farmers".
Germany warns against Russian anti-virus use
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In 2017, President Donald Trump signed legislation banning Kaspersky software's use within the US government. TikTok @pmeafrica. Find us on Instagram and Twitter @ pme_africa. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Facebook pages.
Adams Oshomole dances as PME storms Ikoyi
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Love is a beautiful thing. Congratulations Dami Olalemi & Joy Ejiofoh on your wedding from the PME Party Planner 🥳 God bless your union. Amen. TikTok @pmeafrica. Find us on Instagram and Twitter @ pme_africa. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and Facebook pages.
Dami & Joy wedding. PME raps Heavy D & Dances Michael Jackson
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Get the VIP party experience today with the PME Party Planner 🥳 Corporate and Private bookings welcome. See our events page on our website for details. Follow our Social media pages today.
‘Tech is the best solution against tanks’
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Starlink terminals, needed for the system to work, were delivered to Ukraine after a request was made by the Ukrainian government. *WAR* does not determine who is *RIGHT* but who is *LEFT* ! -PME.
Samsung suspends sales in Russia
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The South Korean electronics giant is the most popular smartphone brand in Russia, ahead of China's Xiaomi and America's Apple. *REMEMBER* : Spread *LOVE* ❤ not *WAR* -PME. Follow our Social media pages.
Intel to cancel shipments to Russia and Belarus
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Computer chip manufacturer Intel will stop all shipments to customers in Russia and Belarus. CLICK :: LIKE :: SHARE :: COMMENT :: INVITE your friends to visit our social media pages 😀 TikTok @pmeafrica.
Russian scientists slam ‘senseless’ invasion
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WAR does not determine who is RIGHT but who is LEFT! Spread LOVE ❤ not WAR! - PME 🥰🥰🥰 TikTok @pmeafrica. Twitter @ pme_africa. Subscribe to our YouTube channel today. 😉

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