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Recognising A Religious Spirit | Season 1, Episode 31 Of -An Experience With Jesus
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Keep in mind that a religious spirit is a demonic spirit sent to attempt to deceive and hide the truth of God's Kingdom under religion.
Religious Spirits On Church Leaders AND In Churches
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The Bible *NEVER* said attending church every Sunday would reveal the kingdom of God. It says, "Except a man is Born Again he CANNOT see the kingdom of God."
Wisdom, Knowledge & Understand | Season 1 Episode 30 Of -An Experience With Jesus
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Have you ever wished to better understand the Bible? Then Pray before studying the Bible asking the Holy Spirit to minister unto you and grant you understanding.
Seeking Revenge
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Without Forgiving others and Repenting of our pride, we CANNOT walk fully in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
Protecting Your Household | Season 1, Episode 29 Of -An Experience With Jesus
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The Bible is NOT a Religion... but A spiritual CONSTITUTION for the entire world. It is the answer to all the problems we face on earth.
Forgiveness is NOT an Emotion. It’s a Choice!
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Witchcraft isn't Spirits flying at night. Its the hate you habor against someone who has done nothing to you.
Miracles, Signs & Wonders | Season 1, Episode 28 Of -An Experience With Jesus
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From the day you are saved the Holy Spirit begins to guide you unto Holiness and Righteousness a process known as Sanctification.
Temptation is NOT an event, its a PROCESS !
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When Christians compromise and fail to stand for Righteousness it may lead to falling for Temptation.
Tradition Biblical Values | Season 1, Episode 27 Of -An Experience With Jesus
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While the world is falling apart due to *manipulation, lies, and media, be the person that brings back the *Tradition Biblical Values*
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