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Abundance In Christ Episodes 3 & 4
Each week there will be 2 Episodes of *"Abundance In Christ"* on our website and YouTube channel.


Creating an Environment to talk about Growth, Feelings, Health & Happiness in Jesus Christ 🙏



There is an unseen weight that comes along with massive talent. With great power comes great responsibility and challenges 

*Introducing "Christianity" A New Category to our website* Each week there will be 2 Episodes of *"Abundance In Christ"* on our website and YouTube channel. Episodes 1, 2 , 3 & 4 are already up there.

*REMEMBER:* Teamwork makes the Dream Work ... hehehe


You need the *Character* , *Discipline* , *Honesty* & *Self Control* to maintain it!

You Don't get to the *Good* part without passing through the *Bad* part

You don't get the *Wisdom* without going through the *Unlearning* .

You don't get the *Healing* without going through the *Forgiveness* .

You dont get to the *Purity* without going through the *Withdrawals* !

The best view comes after the hardest climb.. hehehe

The significance of a Relationship cannot be determined by its Length! The intentions of those involved matters much more.

Someone you met yesterday might be better for your happiness compared to someone you have known for 10 years.

*Choose Your Friends WISELY*

There are 2 ways to be Happy. You either Change the Situation or Change your Mindset towards it!
Happy Positive Thinking 🤔

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… This is **2023** … This is **PME!**

*2023* we're living it up! *

… One time y'all

*Thank You For Choosing PME*


*PME* ... "Mixing Glamour, Good Service & Luxury"

Philip Marcus Enterprises
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Good things come to those who Believe
Better things come to those who are Patient
…and the Best things come to those who NEVER GIVE UP!

.. Tell a friend .. to tell a friend.. so they can tell their friends.

Have A Wonderful Week Ahead 😊

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