CHANGE is not only possible but is to be celebrated when guided by FAITH and PURPOSE. Purpose fixes problems. *What's Your PURPOSE?*
Every step you take in faith is a declaration that God's promises are TRUE. And that his plans for you are far greater than anything you could imagine.
Faith is the belief and trust in God and his promises, even though God cannot be seen. It is a confidence in what is hoped for and assurance about what is not seen.
As you continue to grow and evolve, trust that he is guiding towards a future filled with PURPOSE, FULFILMENT, and BLESSINGS.
GOOD THINGS come to those who BELIEVE ...
BETTER THINGS come to those who are PATIENT ...
But the very BEST THINGS come to those who NEVER GIVE UP!
The Devil will attack you through people you think love you or are close to you such as siblings, family, friends, neighbours, coworkers etc.
God removes people we love so we can learn to value love itself. ❤ GOD IS LOVE!
The transformation is just the beginning of all that he has in store for you. *STAY FOCUSED ON JESUS*

Focus on your Purpose NOT your Battles. The battle belongs to God and he always wins. Seek first his Kingdom and Righteousness and let Prosperity be secondary.
Focus On Who He Is To You. Your Lord and Saviour I hope? Be Saved! Be Born Again! The moment you shift your focus from Jesus, *Who He Is,* _to *What He Does*_ *YOU'RE IN DANGER!*
Christian Content Creators, Do not find your identity in how many subscribers you have.
Pastors, Do not find your identity in the Church.
Evangelists, Do not find your identity in how large your meetings are.
Prophets, Do not find your identity on the accuracy of your prophetic word.
Those of you who focus on Deliverance ministry, Do not find your identity in how many Demons you cast out.
Christians, Do not find your identity in how many blessing God gives to you, how many responsibilities he places on your hand.
Be rooted on Jesus, because only when you find your identity in him Do you rid yourself of insecurity.

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