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CIC12: Spiritual Riches vs Material Wealth (God’s Church vs Man’s Church)
Many churches have shifted their focus away from what truly matters, "Faith, Love and Devotion to God," and have become entangled in "Materialism, Hypocrisy and even Deception".

CIC12: Celebrity In Christ Episode 12.
TOPIC: *Spiritual Riches vs Material Wealth* (God's Church vs Man's Church)

Are you feeling that something isn't quite right in the organised church?
Maybe you've already left the organised church or are contemplating if this is the right thing to do?

The modern church has changed in ways that many of us struggle to accept.

The Bible warns us about this in *Matthew 6:24* where it says "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You can't serve both God and Mammon"

Many churches have shifted their focus away from what truly matters, "Faith, Love and Devotion to God," and have become entangled in "Materialism, Hypocrisy and even Deception".

A deep relationship with God CANNOT be bought, sold or measured by Material Success. IT IS OK TO STEP AWAY FROM THESE CHURCHES IF THEY NO LONGER FEED YOUR SOUL.

*QUESTION:* Have you ever wondered why despite your Talent, your heart for God, and your desire to help others, you seem to struggle?

*ANSWER:* SUCCESS in the Kingdom of God is NOT measured by your bank account, but by the depth of your alignment to HIS WILL.


Too many preachers mislead people that following Jesus is all about blessings, prosperity, wealth, and protection.

As a result, *people decide to follow Jesus based on false promises of worldly benefits!* WHEN TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS COME THESE PEOPLE WILL FALL AWAY BECAUSE THEY EXPECT A LIFE OF EASE AND ABUNDANCE, not the challenges that true Discipleship brings.

Jesus doesn't want anyone to follow him based on half Truths and false promises. *YOU NEED TO MAKE UP YOUR MIND TO NEVER GIVE UP REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU WILL FACE.* To Focus on Jesus!

This means accepting whatever *hardships, rejection, or persecution* that will come your way because of your obedience to him.

God is a Spirit and a spirit partners with a BODY to achieve its objectives. The church is "The Body Of Christ." We as the church means we purify ourselves so his Holy Spirit can dwell within us.

The Body of Christ (church) is made up of PEOPLE, not BUILDINGS, *not cement and sand* , but *flesh and blood.* Jesus is the only way. Not an option. Get closer to Jesus, not your pastor or denomination.

Spiritual Growth is similar to Physical Health in that its cultivated by the practice of simple daily disciplines apart from church attendance.

Before the crucifixion, God's son had entered the world, and his Spirit resided in ONE BODY. After resurrection, Jesus was leaving the earth and sending the Holy Spirit to reside in MANY BODIES hence "Body Of Christ." *THE CHURCH* *Read 1st Corinthians 12:12-13.*

Notice it says "The Church" not "The Churches". That means there's only ONE. THERE IS UNITY IN CHRIST. The Devil wants confusion, while the Holy Spirit wants Unity In Christ regardless of DENOMINATION.


Put in "Faith and Work" to achieve Holiness and Righteousness in Christ Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.

We as Believers are to live Holy, to walk in Repentance, to live according to the statuses of God.

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