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Religion & Legalism vs A Relationship With God | Season 1, Episode 22 Of -An Experience With Jesus
By Biblical definitions, Religion and Legalism refers man's *attempt* to accomplish *by his works* what can only be accomplished through *Christ Jesus*

I heard someone put it like this ...

Be Kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. And everyday God allows our paths to intersect with these same people.And everyday He trusts us as his followers to show these people the *Goodness, Kindness and Love* of God.

Everyday he trusts us to lift up and encourage and do what we can do to encourage the people that he puts in our paths.

We as followers of Jesus are God's representatives here on this earth. His ambassadors.

He doesn’t have any hands on this earth but *OUR HANDS* , he doesn't have any feet but *OUR FEET.* God trusts us as his people to do his work!


What is Religion and Legalism?

By Biblical definitions, it is man's *attempt* to accomplish *by his works* what can only be accomplished through *Christ Jesus*

Jesus is waiting for you with open arms! If you ask for forgiveness *HE WILL FORGIVE YOU.* He will also help you overcome the life of sin once you Surrender to him and become *Born Again*

No-one can come to the father God Almighty except through Jesus. Religion won't take you there ... but " *An Experience With Jesus* " will take you there!

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*I CHOOSE THE JESUS WAY.* I Choose to BECOME "The Body Of Christ" which is God's Church instead of Attending Man's Church every sunday without Repentance.  *Ephesians 2: 19-21.*

God's Church is *NOT* in trouble. Man's Church is the one in trouble 😳

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An Experience With Jesus

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