The very best of the "FALSE Prophets" come in the right packages with huge followers. *YOU WILL NEVER KNOW OR SUSPECT EXCEPT YOU'RE BORN AGAIN AND LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT.*
A FALSE prophet will NOT tell you to "go pray about it and do as the Holy Spirit leads". Instead he will claim, "This is what the spirit says you should do, and how you should do it".
*DO NOT RELY ON OTHERS PEOPLE'S PROPHECIES TO RUN YOUR DAILY CHRISTIAN LIFE* Build a daily, personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit.
*2 Corinthians 11:13-15:* "These people are false apostles. They are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve".
A Preacher may have "Perfect Theology" and still be a false prophet because *They may lead you AWAY FROM YOUR OWN PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD.*

Loving the truth so intensely that it motivates us to pursue it carefully and diligently—so much that we make it an operative part of our everyday life—will prove to be the difference between being saved and perishing in the next few years.
Each of us will have to be concerned enough about the spiritual teaching we receive to search the Scriptures prayerfully and diligently to verify it.
Proving all things is so much better than lazily accepting the word of someone who appears to be trustworthy. *1 Thessalonians 5:21* “Test all things; hold fast what is good”.
If your church prays for people intent on *Fraud and Prostitution* then maybe IT ISNT A CHURCH BUT A CULT.
Ask yourself, would Jesus empower people to become Fraudsters and high class Prostitutes? Would he sell "Holy Water" etc at exorbitant prices for protection and prosperity?
*REPENT AND BE BORN AGAIN* The Only Way to *overcome* the pleasures of Sin is to *Love God* more than pleasure And the only way to Love God is to *allow Jesus* in your heart to Change it!
CHURCH ATTENDANCE AND OTHER RELIGIOUS PRACTICES WON'T CHANGE YOUR HEART. But building a daily personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit WILL.
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