*Confession* shows up in *Conversation* ...
BUT *Change* shows up in *Behaviour*.
Jesus Loves Us. Let's Repent, Pray and Praise/Worship our Lord and Saviour in Spirit and Truth. The church is in our hearts. NOT A BUILDING.
But still FELLOWSHIP with likeminded Believers in Christ.
Read Your Bible Daily!
Keep faith, keep believing, keep praying. Remember the story of Job in the Bible._
Who Is An Evangelist?
An Evangelist is someone who seeks out opportunities to spread the good news and equips others to do the same (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Evangelization begins when we invest ourselves in others in all their brokenness, because our own brokenness has been taken up and healed by Christ. There is something different about such Christians. They have found joy in their suffering because they have put their faith in Jesus, who first suffered and died for us.
Preaching is the act or practice of delivering public discourses or addresses on moral and religious subjects, the delivery of sermons.
Evangelism is the telling of the "good news" or the promulgation of the Gospel.
*PME TV:* Creating an Environment to talk about *Growth, Feelings, Health & Happiness* in Jesus Christ.