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Abundance In Christ Episodes 43-45 (Jesus Is The Answer)
When you truly trust the process you become *What You Believe!*

**Why was it so important that Jesus shared our humanity?

  1. So that, in dying, he could free us from the power of death.
  2. So that, by becoming the final sacrifice for sin, he could reconcile us to God.
  3. So that, in experiencing temptations, he can better help us with our own temptations.

Your *Religion* cannot save you!

Your *Affiliations* cannot save you!

Only Jesus can save you.


You're *Not* born into Christianity.

You're born a *sinner* !

By accepting Jesus you become " *Christ Like* ", You become a *Christian*

You become *Born Again* !

*Lastnight* wasn't your *Last* *Night* ! ... so Get Up in the morning and Take *Consistent Action* towards your Goals, Dreams and Future in Christ! *Be Consistent!*

People change in 4 Different seasons:

When they *Hurt* enough that they *Have to* ...

When they *See* enough that they are *Inspired* to ...

When they *Learn* enough that they *Want to* ...

When they *Receive* enough that they are *Able to*

*PME TV:* Creating an Environment to talk about *Growth, Feelings, Health & Happiness* in Jesus Christ.

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*PME* ... "Mixing Glamour, Good Service & Luxury" to the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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_Tell a friend ... to tell a friend ... so they could Tell their friends_ 😊

The Christian life is a growth, and we must not expect too great results at first, be consistent


Philip Marcus Enterprises

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