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Abundance In Christ -Episodes 37-39 (Bless The Unchangeable God)
Sometimes you have to forget *What You Feel ...* And Remember *What You Deserve* !

Always remember this ...When you're Happy, *Praise God* When things get Tough, *Seek God* In Calm moments, *Trust God* , and In Every moment, *Thank God*

PME TV: Creating an Environment to talk about *Growth, Feelings, Health & Happiness* in Jesus Christ 

When *Life* does *Life* its really doing *Life* for you to get your *Life* together! ... hehehe Everything works together for your good 👍 Trust Jesus and say Thank You Lord 😊 🙏

*PME* ... "Mixing Glamour, Good Service & Luxury" to the Glory of our Lord Jesus ChristSubscribe To PME TV Today!

What gospel we learn is vitally important! We need to be sure that the one we learn is the true gospel Christ brought, the revelation of the imminent Kingdom of God.

Paul's warning about false gospels should give us the proper perspective: "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed!" (Galatians 1:8).

Jesus Loves Us.

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Loving the truth so intensely that it motivates us to pursue it carefully and diligently—so much that we make it an operative part of our everyday life—will prove to be the difference between being saved and perishing in the next few years.

Each of us will have to be concerned enough about the spiritual teaching we receive to search the Scriptures prayerfully and diligently to verify it.

... Tell a friend .. to tell a friend.. so they can tell their friends.

Philip Marcus Enterprises
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