To hear God clearly be *Silent & Still* . Silence means *removing outer distractions* like your Phone, Social media, Entertainment, etc.*Stillness* is the quieting of your *Soul* .
The Soul is quieted through Worship, The Word & Prayer.
What Gospel Did Jesus Preach?
Certainly, we are to study Christ's life, for He is our example of Christian living However, when He preached the gospel, He did not trumpet His own virtues but revealed the way to the KINGDOM OF GOD.
» And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people. (Matthew 4:23)
Who Are The Kingdom's Subjects And Citizens?
Even though the entire world will be ruled by Jesus Christ when He establishes the Kingdom on earth, not everyone on earth will be a citizen of that Kingdom. Everyone will be subject to the King of kings, but not everyone will have entered into that spiritual Kingdom.
Jesus revealed this truth to Nicodemus. When Nicodemus came to Him at night, Jesus told him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).
So What Do We Do Now?
Let's Repent, Pray and Praise/Worship our Lord and Saviour in Spirit and Truth. We are LIVING TEMPLES OF GOD! Therefore the church is in our hearts. NOT A BUILDING.
But still FELLOWSHIP with likeminded Believers in Christ.
Study Your Bible Daily!
*Confession* shows up in *Conversation* ...BUT *Change* ... Real Change shows up in *Behaviour*
Sometimes when you're in a *Dark Place* ... you think you've been *buried* .. when actually you've been *planted* .
Keep Growing!
Growth takes place in the dark!
The best view comes after the hardest climb ... hehehe