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*PME Africa* is Now Dedicated to the *Glory and Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ my Saviour *

The most beautiful thing  about our *Mind & Body* is our ability to change them. You have the ability to wake up one day and do a complete *OVERHAUL* of who you are. The change process itself is more timetaking  but its one of the most *Joyful Experiences*

2 + 2 = 4

2 × 2 = 4

*Looks the same right?*

That's what the devil wants you to believe. That Addition and Multiplication is the same.

2 + 3 = 5

2 × 3 = 6

But God has *NOT* called you for *ADDITION* , he has called you for *MULTIPLICATION* in this your Breakthrough season.

Your Blessings will Multiply and you will gain more than the enemy ever took from *YOU* in Jesus Name 🙏 Amen.

Introducing "Christianity" A New Category to our website

Each week there will be 2 Episodes of *"Abundance In Christ"* on our website. And YouTube channel. Episodes 1 & 2 are already up there.

Wanna be part of "Abundance In Christ"?

Wanna Advertise With us?

Wanna be a Sponsor?

*Contact Us.*



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This is **2023** … This is **PME!**

*2023* we're living it up!

* … One time y'all

*Thank You For Choosing PME* 🥰

*PME* ... "Mixing Glamour, Good Service & Luxury"

Philip Marcus Enterprises

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*Home of the PME Party Planner 😀 and PME Prints to the GLORY of our Lord Jesus Christ* _…

Tell a friend .. to tell a friend.. so they can tell their friends._

Have A Fabulous Day 👌

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